Wednesday 14 March 2007

Local writers - Bill Jones

What's the potted biography?
I was born in the Welsh borderlands and grew up in Shrewsbury. After graduating from Aberystwyth University I got a job at Manchester University. I became Director of Extra-Mural Studies 1986-91 but then had a stroke whilst out jogging. I retired on medical grounds but I still teach part-time at the university and write a number of reasonably successful books on British politics. I also write a blog on the same subject at Skipper.

Why live in Heaton Moor?
I've lived in Heaton Moor since 1979 after divorcing. Back then, it was part of a new beginning for me. First I lived in Moorside Road for two years, then in Parsonage Road for 20 years, and latterly in Mount Road, Heaton Norris, close to the Nursery pub. I think this is a good place to live.

What's good about the Moor?
I like the Edwardian architecture. I used to live in such a house in Parsonage Rd - where developers have allowed it to survive amoung those newbuild 'luxury apartments' of every kind. I also like the greenery and the pubs - especially The Nursery - and the people who are for the most part very friendly and fun to live with.

Any dislikes?
I'm furious about lots of things but top of my list is the extent to which Heaton Moor is litter strewn and marred by chewing gum on the pavements. That's my Victor Meldrew moment over.

What are your current projects?
At the moment I'm writing a new kind of textbook on British politics and trying to develop some creative writing of various kinds. I also do occasional broadcasting - like today on Radio Manchester!

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